Posts Tagged ‘strength’

The Amalekites came and attacked the Israelites at Rephidim. Moses said to Joshua, “Choose some of our men and go out to fight the Amalekites. Tomorrow I will stand on top of the hill with the staff of God in my hands.”

So Joshua fought the Amalekites as Moses had ordered, and Moses, Aaron and Hur went to the top of the hill. As long as Moses held up his hands, the Israelites were winning, but whenever he lowered his hands, the Amalekites were winning. When Moses’ hands grew tired, they took a stone and put it under him and he sat on it. Aaron and Hur held his hands up—one on one side, one on the other—so that his hands remained steady till sunset. So Joshua overcame the Amalekite army with the sword. Exodus 17:8-13 NIV

Tired ArmsQuitting is not an option. There are battles to be fought, wars to be waged and spoils to be claimed. Many times, the battles we are called to fight in the Spirit are being fought in order to contend for freedom, whether for ourselves or another. To surrender is to settle for less than what has been promised to us as children of God and co-heirs with Christ.

Freedom is a promise. It is for freedom that Christ died on our behalf. Freedom from addiction, oppression, and slavery. Freedom to walk in the fullness and abundance of life we are destined to walk in. Freedom from the torment of guilt, condemnation and worthlessness.

We are called to walk in freedom so that we may become carriers of freedom for others. Every small fight that is won in the Spirit has the potential to offer hope to someone who is still engaged in the battle. Every time we refuse to give in and give up, we are laying a foundation of strength to overcome the next battle and many more to come. When we will not relent, we will walk in victory. Yet, there will come a time when we are too worn out to stay in the battle.

What happens when we are too tired and weary to fight anymore? Have we lost the battle? Will we miss out on the promises of God simply because we are no longer able to hold our arms up? Has all the warring been in vain if our strength gives out in the last moments of the fight?

When your arms cannot stay up any longer, ask God to send you an Aaron. I am a fighter. I will often contend long after others have given up on the cause. When I believe God has promised something, I will not surrender until I see it come to pass. But the fight is proving to be too much for me in recent weeks. Praying and seeking and believing for years without seeing the fruit of my work has wearied my heart and sapped my strength. I have nothing left to give.

For this season, God has given me my Aaron. My husband Shane has fought his share of battles and I have fought along side of him for ten years. We have seen victory in many areas and are still waiting to see it in many more. Sometimes I have held his arms up and sometimes he has held mine.

The time has come for me to lean on my God and allow Shane to hold my arms up. I no longer have the strength to fight but God has not left me. Shane is still warring on my behalf and one day, we will see our Promised Land.

Who is your Aaron? Today, you need to know that it is okay to be weak and allow your arms to be held up by the faithful ones God has placed in your life. Your victory is on it’s way.