Forsaken Standard

Posted: January 8, 2013 in 40 Days of Awakening, Church Life, Life with God, Purpose
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Forsaken StandardBut the LORD said to Samuel, “Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The LORD does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.” 1 Samuel 16:7

David fell woefully short of the standard set by the world for a king. He did not measure up to his brothers physically or intellectually.

Joseph was the youngest, weakest and least likely to succeed among his brothers.

Paul was a murderer who sought to torment and persecute the Church of Christ in the name of religion.

Abraham and Sarah were far beyond their prime and lacked the physical strength and stamina to fulfill the call of God on their lives at such an old age.

The list goes on and on. The Bible is full, from cover to cover, of rejects of the world who were used by God to change the course of history and build a kingdom that will stand forever. He chose those whom society had deemed ill equipped or unworthy of such a high calling. Every single time, the result was a move of God far too powerful to be credited to man. In the midst of complete weakness and inadequacy, Almighty God birthed promise after promise through the most unqualified candidate.

If God chose the misfits, why do we seek after the charismatic ones?

If God calls the under qualified, why do reject those without years of education and training?

If God birthed many nations through the womb of a woman too old to conceive, why do we assign more value to the talent of youth than the wisdom of age?

If God transformed the heart and life of murderers and used their testimonies to reach the multitudes, why do we disqualify those with a shameful past?

If God gave places of authority to the humble and less talented, why do we give places of honor to those who are talented and arrogant?

When did we forsake the standard God has set for his church to settle for what is approved of by the world?

The most powerful speakers, writers and leaders I know are people who have been rejected by the world. They may not have flash or polish, but they have heart. They have the ability to identify with those they are trying to reach. They got where they are not because they leaned on talent, but because they endured testing. They continued to believe in their dream when they were overlooked and rejected by the church because they did not fit the right mold. They welcome and encourage the rest of the misfits of church society. They love the least, the way they are called to. Because of that, they are anointed, powerful and effective.

The most anointed worship leaders I have encountered are not those with years and years of training. They did not all go to school. They were trained in the trenches. The songs they write, the way they lead and their ability to touch the heart of God have nothing to do with anything man can teach. It is a direct result of being on their face before the King of Kings, crying out for revelation and seeking His presence. They lead well because they have gone before. They have tasted and seen. And they love the church so much that they want everyone else to taste and see as well.

It is easy to spot the difference between a talented leader and an anointed leader. Given the choice, I want to follow one who is anointed.

  1. Kerrie says:

    Excellent point! I have always loved Matthew 1:1-17. The genealogy of Jesus. I know this is a section that most people skim over because it just , so-and-so begat so-and-so, but I find it rich in exactly the kind of unexpected choices that you mentioned in your post. First of all it is the genealogy of Jesus through his MOTHERS line! Mary! The fact the the Hebrews would even find the mothers genealogy relevant is unheard of, but God choose a young, un-noticed girl to bare His son! Then as you read the list we find other woman listed here… surprising that woman are even mentioned but even more surprising when you remember who these woman are! First Tamar. She tricked her father-in-law into an incestuous relationship and gave birth to twins! Next we read that Rahab was the father of Boaz… that is Rahab the prostitute who rescued the Israelite spies in Jericho. Not only was she not an Israelite but she was a prostitute and God choose her to be part of the lineage of Christ! Also mentioned is Ruth, she was a foreigner who God brought to her kinsman redeemer, Boaz to become the great-grandmother of King David! Then of course we find Bathsheba… yet she is mentioned only as “the wife of Uriah”, making sure that no one forgets that she was an adulterous woman that God redeemed. Wow! I absolutely love this passage of scripture and for anyone who discounts women as having important roles in the Bible I point them here. God choses whom he choses and redeems ALL who call on him to save them!

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